Installing and Building Applications Using libLCS

Currently, due to the small number of *.cpp files involved, a makefile is not being provided. The downloadable zip file for the release v0.0.21 of libLCS packages 3 folders and the license file:

  1. lcs - The folder containing the header files.
  2. src - The folder containing the *.cpp files.
  3. html - The folder conataining the latest libLCS documentation.
  4. License.txt

The folder lcs contains all the necessary header files, the folder src contains 4 *.cpp files, and the folder html contains the complete html documentation for libLCS. Inorder to build libLCS, use your favorite compiler tools to compile the *.cpp files into object files and package them into a static library. For example, under linux like environment, you can compile the *.cpp files to *.o files using gcc/g++, and link these *.o files into the static library libLCS.a using the 'ar' command. Do not forget to add an include path to the lcs folder while generating the object files.

To start using the library, copy the static library file into the standard library path. Also, copy the lcs folder into the standard include path. You can then start using libLCS as shown in the examples page. The executable which uses libLCS should be built by linking to the static library. For example, under linux, you will have to use the linker option -lLCS while linking your application using gcc/g++.

Generated on Sat Oct 14 11:23:40 2006 for libLCS by  doxygen 1.4.7