
14th October 2006

libLCS-0.0.21 has been released. This is a bug-fix release with no major changes from the 0.0.2 version. You can download it either by going through the download page, or directly from the project page.


  1. The API changes are only in class lcs::Line. The changes were made to eliminate a bug, which I illustrate using the following code.

    lcs::Bus a, b, c;
    lcs::Tester<2,1> tester(a*b, c);

    Since the object tester sets the lines of the composite bus a*b, it locks this composite bus. However, due to the improper implementation of the locking mechanism in libLCS-0.0.2, the individual busses a and b were not getting locked even after the composite bus was locked. This problem has been solved in libLCS-0.0.21.

  2. Rectified some of the goofs :-| and typos from the set of examples and user guide.

29th September 2006

libLCS-0.0.2 has been released. You can download it either by going through the downloads page, or directly from the project page.


  1. The single most important change is the provision of access protection to lines of the class lcs::Bus. See this for more information.
  2. Exception classes are used appropriately.
  3. Improved user guide, hopefully :D.
  4. A more organised examples section.

20th September 2006

libLCS-0.0.1 has been released. You can download it either by going through the downloads page, or directly from the project page.

Generated on Sat Oct 14 11:23:40 2006 for libLCS by  doxygen 1.4.7