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2.3 Downloading libLCS

One can download the latest version (and other older versions) of libLCS from the download links provided on the project page:
The downloadable file for most releases will be a zipped or tarred bundle. The content tree of this bundle is as follows (This example shows a zipped bundle. Tarred bundles have exactly the same tree structure.):                  - A zip-ed bundle for the release numbered a.b.x
   d---- libLCS-a.b.x             - The top level directory
            f---- lcs             - A directory containing the headers files (*.h) for libLCS.
            f---- src             - A directory containing the source files (*.cpp) for libLCS.
            f---- html            - A directory containing the latest libLCS documentation in the HTML format.
            f---- examples        - A directory containing basic examples of using libLCS.
            f---- bin             - The directory into which the above examples will be built by make.
            f---- lib             - The directory into which a static library of libLCS will be built by make.
            f---- objs            - A hold for all the object files generated during compilation.
            f---- README          - A readme file which can be used as a starting point for exploring libLCS.
            f---- License.txt     - The GNU LGPL text file.
            f---- Makefile        - A makefile to build a static library and the examples provided.

See the Installing libLCS section for instructions on building and installing a static library for libLCS.