- A Logic Circuit Simulation Library in C++

Examples of Using libLCS

The following is the list of examples currently available. They are divided into 3 categories. Each of the examples is presented along with well documented code snippets. You can copy paste the code as it is to build working applications. Help on building applications using libLCS is available here.

Basic Examples

  1. 1-bit Fulladder: A gate level realisation
  2. 4-bit Counter using D-flipflops
  3. 4-bit shift register using D-flipflops

Building Block-Level Modules

  1. Implementing a gate-level module of a 1-bit fulladder

Building Functional Modules

  1. Functional module of a 1-bit fulladder
  2. Functional module of a 4-bit counter

Copyright © 2006, 2007 Siva Chandra