lcs Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

All classes in libLCS are defined under the lcs namespace.


class  And
class  Bus
class  DataPtr
class  Exception
class  FullAdder
class  InputBus
class  Iterator
class  Line
class  ListIterator
class  List
class  ListNode
class  ListNodePtr
class  Module
class  Nand
class  Nor
class  Not
class  Or
class  OutOfRangeException
class  ShortCircuitException
class  Tester
class  Xor


enum  LineState { LOW = 0, HIGH = 1, UNKNOWN = 'x', HIGH_IMPEDENCE = 'z' }

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum lcs::LineState

An enumerated set of data types which denote the state of a data line. A line can have four possible states: LOW, HIGH, UNKNOWN, HIGH_IMPEDENCE. Each of these states denote a single bit value.Click on each state to know more about them.

LOW  A state which denotes a logic level of 0. It is displayed on the screen as the character '0'.
HIGH  A state which denotes a logic level of 1. It is displayed on the screen as the character '1'.
UNKNOWN  A state which denotes an unknown logic level. It is displayed on the screen as the character 'x'.
HIGH_IMPEDENCE  A state which denotes a high imepedence line. It is displayed on the screen as the character 'z'.

Generated on Sat Oct 14 11:23:40 2006 for libLCS by  doxygen 1.4.7